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Helper classes dependency for Laravel Enso.

This package can work independently of the Enso ecosystem.

For live examples and demos, you may visit


Comes pre-installed in Enso.

To install outside of Enso: composer require laravel-enso/helpers


The following contracts, classes, exceptions and traits are available.


  • Activatable, makes sense for models that have an is_active column demands the implementation of the following methods:

    • isActive(): bool
    • isInactive(): bool

    Can be used together with the ActiveState trait that provides a default implementation of the trait and more. For information on the trait, see below.


  • A Decimals class which is a wrapper for PHP's bc* methods such as bcadd with support for a customizable, default precision
  • A JsonParser class that takes a JSON file as its constructor's argument, and can parse and transform the file to:
    • object
    • array
    • JSON string
  • An Obj class which extends the Laravel Collection, with a constructor for building an object from an array, an object, a Laravel model that can even have loaded relationships and more. You can then use all the native Collection functions, as well as:
    • set($key, $value),
    • filled($key),

Decimals - LaravelEnso\Helpers\app\Classes\Decimals

All the class' methods are static.


  • scale($precision), sets the default precision. If not specified, the precision will be 2
  • add($first, $second, $precision = null), calls bcadd with the given/default precision
  • sub($first, $second, $precision = null), calls bcsub with the given/default precision
  • mul($first, $second, $precision = null), calls bcmul with the given/default precision
  • div($first, $second, $precision = null), calls bcdiv with the given/default precision
  • sqrt($first, $second, $precision = null), calls bcsqrt with the given/default precision
  • pow($first, $second, $precision = null), calls bcpow with the given/default precision
  • mod($first, $second, $precision = null), calls bcmod with the given/default precision
  • powmod($first, $second, $precision = null), calls bcpowmod with the given/default precision
  • lt($first, $second, $precision = null), uses bccomp with the given/default precision, returns the boolean result of a less than comparison
  • lte($first, $second, $precision = null), uses bccomp with the given/default precision, returns the boolean result of a less or equals than comparison
  • eq($first, $second, $precision = null), uses bccomp with the given/default precision, returns the boolean result of an equals comparison
  • notEq($first, $second, $precision = null), uses bccomp with the given/default precision, returns the boolean result of not equals comparison
  • gt($first, $second, $precision = null), uses bccomp with the given/default precision, returns the boolean result of a greater than comparison
  • gte($first, $second, $precision = null), uses bccomp with the given/default precision, returns the boolean result of a greater than or equals comparison
  • ceil($first, $second, $precision = null), uses bcceil with the given/default precision, returns the boolean result of a less than comparison
  • floor($first, $second, $precision = null), uses floor with the given/default precision, returns the boolean result of a less than comparison

JsonParser - LaravelEnso\Helpers\app\Classes\JsonParser

The constructor takes a file name. This must be a text file with valid json content. Note: When trying to read it, a JsonParseException exception will be thrown if the file contents is not valid.


  • object(), returns an object representation of the file
  • array(), returns an array representation of the file
  • json, returns an json representation of the file

Obj - LaravelEnso\Helpers\app\Classes\Obj

The constructor optionally takes an associate array or an object (even a Laravel model). This parameter is used to set up the object. For arrays, it uses the array keys as properties and the array values as the property values.


  • all,
  • set(key, value), sets the value of the object's 'key' property
  • filled(key), returns true if the 'key' property exists on the object and its value is not null

For the list of available Collection methods, you may check out the official Laravel docs here.


  • A generic exception: EnsoException is available also with a Facade. This exception is extended by all the other Enso specific exceptions and it is not reported by the Laravel's Exception Handler.

  • A FileMissingException, a child of EnsoException

  • A JsonParseException, a child of EnsoException

These exceptions are used throughout various Enso packages.



Adds the following methods for models that have a boolean is_active property:

  • whereActive() scope
  • scopeInactive() scope
  • isActive() helper
  • isInactive() helper
  • activate(), updates the model and sets is_active to true
  • deactivate(), updates the model and sets is_active to false


The trait is meant to provide a generic user readable message when trying to delete a model that cannot be actually deleted due to foreign key constraints.

It achieves this by overwriting the model's delete method, calls the parent delete method within a try-catch block and if there is any QueryException, throws a ConflictHttpException letting the user know the model is used and cannot be deleted.


The trait cascades Laravel's getMorphClass() method available on models and attempts to use a key (if defined), otherwise falling back to the default Laravel implementation


Allows to show a progress bar for long running database seeding processes.

To use it:

  • import the trait
  • declare a constant chunk with a value that makes sense
  • before starting the seed process, call the trait's start($count) method with the total count of the items that will be seeded
  • start the seeding process, while ensuring you're seeding using chunks, and after completing each chunk, call the trait's advance() method.
  • once the seeding is complete, call the trait's end() method.


class ProductSeeder extends Seeder
    use SeederProgress;

    private const Chunk = 800;
    public function run()

        LegacyProduct::chunkById(self::Chunk, function ($products) {

    private function insert($products) { ... }


When working with monetary values, the trait is meant to make your life easier if you choose to store these values in cents.

To use the trait:

  • add it to your class
  • declare the protected $centAttributes = [ ]; field and set the model's monetary/cent attribute names
  • use the inCents($mode) to convert your values from/to cents

For example:

  • when returning a model to the front-end, after retrieving the it from the DB, call the inCents(false) method of the trait which will convert the monetary values from cents to your currency
  • when creating a new model, before filling any monetary attributes, you should call the inCents(true/false) method to set the appropriate mode for the values you'll be filling

The trait does a few things automatically, based on an internal $inCents flag/mode:

  • whenever the model is retrieved from the DB, it notes that the values are in cents
  • before saving the model:
    • if the values are not in cents, it converts them to cents
    • if the values are in cents, nothing is altered
    • if it can't determine whether the values are in cents or not, a LogicException is thrown
  • when calling the inCents method on a model with dirty monetary attributes, and its internal flag is not set, a LogicException is thrown

The trait's internal $inCents flag is public, thus for situations where it makes sense, you can set it directly, thus bypassing the inCents() method;


When working with Resource representations of models, you may choose to use camelCase representations for their attributes. Whenever updating the models based on user input, you'll probably want to fill the updated values, however you'll have to remap them due to the mismatching keys.

The trait can be used for FormRequest validations so that whenever the validation passes, you can update the model using:



The trait can be used on models where, whenever updated, you might also want to touch other related (or parent) models.

To use it:

  • add the trait to your model
  • declare the protected $touches = ['relation']; attribute and set the relationships to the related
  • within your logic, use the trait's touchOwners

If any of the related models also use the UpdatesOnTouch trait, the touch will be cascaded.


are welcome. Pull requests are great, but issues are good too.


This package is released under the MIT license.