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Integrated file uploader


Unless where specified otherwise, the components can be used outside of the Enso ecosystem.


For live examples and demos, you may visit laravel-enso.com


Install the package:

yarn add @enso-ui/uploader

(within Enso, remember to cd into the client folder before installing front-end assets)

Import the desired component(s):

import { Uploader, EnsoUploader } from '@enso-ui/uploader/bulma';

Note that this package has a couple of external dependencies. Read here for more info.



  • Uploader,
  • EnsoUploader,


  • CoreUploader,


A bulma styled typeahead component built on top of its renderless counterpart.


<uploader url="post/on/my/route">


  • control, slot for the upload button/controls


  • isLarge - boolean, optional, default false, if true, applies the 'is-small' class
  • isSmall - boolean, optional, default false, if true, applies the 'is-large' class

'Passed-through' properties:

  • fileKey - string, optional, default file, the key used for the uploaded file/files
  • fileSizeLimit - number, optional, default 20000000, an upper file size limit
  • i18n - string, optional, default v => v, the translation function
  • multiple - boolean, optional, default false, if true allows multi-upload
  • params - Object, optional, default null, extra parameters that can be sent with the request
  • url - string, required, the URL used for the query/search to the back end


This bulma styled date filtering component, built on top of the generic version of the component is designed to be used within the Enso ecosystem, requiring less configuration from the dev.


<enso-uploader url="post/on/my/route">

'Passed-through' properties:

  • isLarge - boolean, optional, default false, if true, applies the 'is-small' class
  • isSmall - boolean, optional, default false, if true, applies the 'is-large' class


The renderless typeahead component that can be built upon to create custom components.


  • fileKey - string, optional, default file, the key used for the uploaded file/files
  • fileSizeLimit - number, optional, default 20000000, an upper file size limit
  • i18n - string, optional, default v => v, the translation function
  • multiple - boolean, optional, default false, if true allows multi-upload
  • params - Object, optional, default null, extra parameters that can be sent with the request
  • url - string, required, the URL used for the query/search to the back end
  • compact - boolean, optional, default false, flag to be used in the actual implementation to show a compact version of the uploader


  • open-file-browser, when the file browser opens
  • upload-start, when the upload starts
  • upload-successful, when the upload completes successfully
  • upload-error, when the upload fails with errors


  • browseFiles(), opens the file picker
  • reset(), clears the selected files

Questions & Issues

For questions and support please use the issues functionality for this package's github repository.

Please make sure to search for existing issues before creating a new issue, and when opening a new issue, fill the required information in the issue template.

Issues not conforming to the guidelines may be closed immediately.

Depends on

  • @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core
  • @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons
  • @fortawesome/vue-fontawesome
  • bulma
  • vue


are welcome. Pull requests are great, but issues are good too.

Thank you to all the people who already contributed to Enso!
