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Vue Form Package

Can be used outside of the Enso ecosystem.

For live examples and demos, you may visit

Should be used with its backend sibling


Install the package:

yarn add @enso-ui/forms

(within Enso, remember to cd into the client folder before installing front-end assets)

Note that this package has a couple of external dependencies. Read here for more info.



  • VueForm,
  • EnsoForm,
  • FormField,
  • Action,
  • DateField,
  • InputField,
  • MoneyField,
  • SelectField,
  • SwitchField,
  • TextareaField,
  • TimeField,


  • CoreForm,


Import the desired forms(s):

import { EnsoForm, VueForm } from '@enso-ui/forms/bulma';
import CoreForm from '@enso-ui/forms/renderless';


Renderless component.


  • path - string, required - the URI for the form data/template, in which case the template parameter is no longer required
  • template - object, required - the form template object, which may be passed directly, in which case the path parameter is no longer required
  • disableState - boolean, optional, default false - if true, then the form state monitoring functionality is disabled (and for example, you won't know when the form is dirty)
  • errorHandler - function, optional - an error handling function for the axios requests
  • i18n - Function, optional - the function that performs translations
  • locale - string, optional, default en - used for the date fields
  • params - object, optional - parameters that get sent to the backend when fetching the form data


The components has several methods, of which the following are most useful, making sense to have them available in the CoreForm's concrete implementations:

  • fetch(), fetches the form data & template from the back-end
  • customFields(), returns an array of custom fields
  • customSections(), returns an array of custom sections
  • tabs(), returns an array of tabs
  • sectionFields(section), returns an array of non hidden fields for the given section
  • sectionCustomFields(section), returns an array of non hidden custom fields for the given section
  • sections(tab), returns an array of sections for the given tab
  • field(field), returns the field with the given name
  • param(field), returns the parameter with the given name
  • routeParam(field), returns the route parameter with the given name
  • fill(data), performs a 'fill' for the field names/values given in the data parameter
  • setOriginal(), updates the 'original' data store with the current form data state
  • hideTab(tab), sets the given tab as hidden
  • showTab(tab), sets the given tab as visible
  • hideField(fieldName), sets the given field as hidden
  • showField(fieldName), sets the given field as visible


The following event are emitted:

  • ready, on form init and after form fetch. The payload is the entire component
  • loaded, after fetching the form. The payload is the response data.
  • show, when clicking the show button. There is no payload.
  • create, when clicking the create button. There is no payload.
  • submit, after performing a submit. The payload is the response data.
  • error, after a submit error. The payload is the response error.
  • destroy, after performing a destroy. There is no payload.
  • undo, after performing an undo. There is no payload.


The bulma styled form component built on top of the renderless version of the component.




The following methods are cascaded from the renderless CoreForm component:

  • fetch(), fetches the form data & template from the back-end
  • submit(), submits the form
  • field(field), returns the field with the given name
  • param(field), returns the parameter with the given name
  • routeParam(field), returns the route parameter with the given name
  • fill(data), performs a 'fill' for the field names/values given in the data parameter
  • setOriginal(), updates the 'original' data store with the current form data state
  • hideTab(tab), sets the given tab as hidden
  • showTab(tab), sets the given tab as visible


  • if any fields are marked as custom fields in the form template, then a scoped slot is rendered for each of these fields. The name of the slot is the field's name. The slot exposes the props object that has to be bound to the custom field, besides your custom logic.
<template v-slot:group_id="props">
    <form-field v-bind="props"
        @input=" = $event"/>
  • you may also use the actions-left and actions-right slots to place controls in the form's actions area


Designed to be used within the Enso ecosystem, requiring less configuration from the dev.


The following methods are cascaded from the renderless CoreForm component, through the VueForm component and available here:

  • fetch(), fetches the form data & template from the back-end
  • submit(), submits the form
  • field(field), returns the field with the given name
  • param(field), returns the parameter with the given name
  • routeParam(field), returns the route parameter with the given name
  • fill(data), performs a 'fill' for the field names/values given in the data parameter
  • setOriginal(), updates the 'original' data store with the current form data state
  • hideTab(tab), sets the given tab as hidden
  • showTab(tab), sets the given tab as visible
  • hideField(fieldName), sets the given field as hidden
  • showField(fieldName), sets the given field as visible


<enso-form class="box has-background-light raises-on-hover"/>
<enso-form class="box has-background-light raises-on-hover"
    :path="route('system.menus.edit', 1, false)"/>
<enso-form class="box has-background-light raises-on-hover"

Example for showing/hiding tabs

Vue Template
    <enso-form class="box has-background-light raises-on-hover"
        <template v-slot:showtab="props">
            <form-field v-bind="props"

    import { EnsoForm, FormField } from '@enso-ui/forms/bulma';
    export default {
        name: 'Create',
        components: { EnsoForm, FormField },
        data: () => ({
    		ready: false,
                this.ready = true;
            toggleTab2: function (event) {
                if (this.ready) {
                        this.$refs.form.showTab('Tab 2');
                        this.$refs.form.hideTab('Tab 2');

Example for showing/hiding fields

Some forms require display-dependencies between one or more field and others. Example scenario : an entity model could have or not an address, therefore there is a checkbox field inside the form called "Has Address" that will show or hide some form fields related to address details.

Vue Template
    <enso-form class="box has-background-light raises-on-hover"
        <template v-slot:hasAddress="props">
            <form-field v-bind="props"

    import { EnsoForm, FormField } from '@enso-ui/forms/bulma';
    export default {
        name: 'Create',
        components: { EnsoForm, FormField },
        data: () => ({
    		ready: false,
                this.ready = true;
            toggleSnmpReady: function (event) {
                if (this.ready) {
                    } else {


All the props from the renderless component can be provided here

Components for custom fields

Starting with v1.1.0 you should always use FormField when dealing with slots.

If you want further customization the package provides a component for each type of field:


Don't forget to add your own label when when using the dedicated component.


<label class="label">My Field</label>
<date-field v-bind="props"

The component takes the following required properties:

  • errors, the form's errors object
  • field, the form's field object, for this date field
  • i18n, the form's translation function, for this date field
  • locale, the locale string to be used for the datepicker used under the hood
  • timeOnly, the boolean flag that indicates that the component should only display time

The component takes the following required properties:

  • errors, the form's errors object
  • field, the form's field object, for this input field
  • i18n, the form's translation function, for this date field

The component takes the following required properties:

  • errors, the form's errors object
  • field, the form's field object, for this money field
  • i18n, the form's translation function, for this date field

The component takes the following required properties:

  • errors, the form's errors object
  • field, the form's field object, for this select field
  • i18n, the form's translation function, for select date field
  • customParams, the custom params object passed to the VueSelect used under the hood
  • params, the params object passed to the VueSelect used under the hood
  • pivotParams, the pivot params object passed to the VueSelect used under the hood

The component takes the following required properties:

  • errors, the form's errors object
  • field, the form's field object, for this switch field

The component takes the following required properties:

  • field, the form's field object, for this textarea field

The component takes the properties as the DateField component above.


The component takes the following required properties:

  • field, the form's field object, for this visual editor field

Questions & Issues

For questions and support please use the issues functionality for this package's github repository.

Please make sure to search for existing issues before creating a new issue, and when opening a new issue, fill the required information in the issue template.

Issues not conforming to the guidelines may be closed immediately.


are welcome. Pull requests are great, but issues are good too.

Thank you to all the people who already contributed to Enso!
