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Vue Select Component

Can be used outside of the Enso ecosystem.

For live examples and demos, you may visit

Can be used with its backend sibling


Install the package:

yarn add @enso-ui/select

(within Enso, remember to cd into the client folder before installing front-end assets)

Note that this package has a couple of external dependencies. Read here for more info.



  • EnsoSelect
  • VueSelect
  • Tag @enso-ui/select:
  • CoreSelect


Import the desired component(s):

import { VueSelect, Tag, EnsoSelect } from '@enso-ui/select/bulma';
import CoreSelect from '@enso-ui/select/renderless';


The renderless version of the select component.


  • customParams - object, optional - any params that are sent with the back-end request in server-side mode. They are to be implemented by the developer
  • debounce - number, optional, default 300 - the debounce interval for fetching server-side data, in ms
  • disableClear - boolean, optional, default false - disables the clear button and for a single-select, forces the user to always have an option selected
  • disabled - boolean, optional - if true, the control is disabled
  • errorHandler - Function, optional - a method for handling axios errors
  • i18n - Function, optional - method that handles localisation
  • label - string, optional, default name - the attribute that is to be used as label from the result/options list
  • paginate - number, optional, default 100 - the results pagination size
  • multiple - boolean, optional - if true, the select works in multi-select mode
  • objects - boolean, optional - if true, the bound v-model will hold the entire object
  • options - array, optional - if given, will constitute the list of options
  • params - object, optional - params that are sent with the back-end request in server-side mode and when paired with the Laravel-Enso/VueSelect back-end, are used automatically for filtering the entire object
  • pivotParams - object - params that are sent with the back-end request in server-side mode and when paired with the Laravel-Enso/VueSelect back-end, are used automatically for filtering in pivot type scenarios
  • readonly - boolean, optional - if true, the select is read only
  • source - string, optional - the URI for the server-side mode
  • taggable - boolean, optional - if true, tagging is enabled
  • trackBy - string, optional, default id - the attribute used for tracking and also the attribute that is bound to the control's v-model
  • translated - boolean, optional - if true, labels are translated used the translation function
  • value - object/primitive/array, required, default []/null, the value of the current choice / component


  • fetch, when the option list has been received
  • input, when the selection is updated
  • select, when an item is selected
  • deselect, when an item is deselected
  • selection, when the selection changes, payload is the current selection
  • clear, when the selection is cleared
  • add-tag, when a tag is added

When operation in server-side mode, in cases when there are concurrent fetch requests, the previous request is cancelled.


Helper component as used by VueSelect, for optional use within CoreSelect.


  • label - string, required - label displayed within the tag
  • disabled - boolean, required - if true, hides the delete button


  • deselect, when the tag is deleted


This is the main component built around the renderless component.


<vue-select :source="route('administration.users.options')"


All the props from CoreSelect can be provided here

  • hasError - boolean, optional, default false - if true, the element has an 'error' style.
  • labels - object, optional - the labels for the various states and options. The following properties are expected: select, deselect, noOptions, noResults, addTag
  • placeholder - string, optional, default 'Pick an option'


  • selection, any customization of the selection goes here
  • options, customization of the option list goes here
  • option, customization of the individual option goes here


The following CoreSelect options are cascaded and available:

  • clear(), clears the selection
  • fetch(), reloads the option list for a server-side select


Designed to be used within the Enso ecosystem, requiring less configuration from the dev.


<enso-select source="administration.userGroups.options"


All the props from VueSelect can be provided here


  • option, customization of the individual option goes here


The following VueSelect options are cascaded and available:

  • clear(), clears the selection
  • fetch(), reloads the option list for a server-side select

Questions & Issues

For questions and support please use the issues functionality for this package's github repository.

Please make sure to search for existing issues before creating a new issue, and when opening a new issue, fill the required information in the issue template.

Issues not conforming to the guidelines may be closed immediately.


are welcome. Pull requests are great, but issues are good too.

Thank you to all the people who already contributed to Enso!
